IAM Solutions by PATECCO

Identity and Access Management Competence

The PATECCO team has an experience in the IAM space with more than 20 years of experience with IAM, the PATECCO team is one of the pioneers in this field. Successfully implemented IAM systems for more than 300.000 identities make us an experienced and reliable partner.

Todays work force expects more and more a BYOD policy at their work place. Employees do not only need the permission but also the infrastructure that enables them to access company data from any place with any device. This also requires IT specialists to develop and implement appropriate solutions. Securing a single work station for each user is not sufficient any longer. More and more useres access data via different devices whereas sensitive information and also the user’s identity has to be protected.

The new generation of end-users expects more and more a BYOD terminology. End-users want to access company data from every place they are and every device they have. This expectation has a high impact on IT specialists. The old thinking of securing a single a workstation which is just on-premise used by one employee has changed. Today, many users have many devices which needs to be identified and its sensitive data on it protected. IT can’t just focus on the device itself. It’s the users identity and his information needs to be secured.

PATECCO is your partner in developing and implementing a tailor made Identity and Access Management solution for you. Out team is vendor independent but specialized in IAM. Our consultants have more than 20 years of experience and worked in projects in various Fortune 500 companies.

In the bottom part, you get an overview about four of our core topics…

Identity and Access Management

Manage and control all identities and accounts with one system!

Identity Management and Identity Access Governance helps companies to stay in control of an employee lifecycle and to audit it. Access Requests will be compliant to companies policies and regulations processed and automatically provisioned.

Increase efficiency, productivity and security at once. Do no longer mess with topics like

  • Different Login-IDs and different passwords
  • Expensive password reset calls at your IT-Helpdesk
  • Meeting the right audit and compliance policies
  • High efforts at system owners and delays in assigning permissions

Get in touch with PATECCO to plan your Identity Access roadmap or get more information about identity management.

Access Management

Each of your accounts has certain entitlements. Manage those secure, fast and fully automated!

It’s a burden to stay in control about all different entitlements within your organization and to automate the requests and provisioning activities.

PATECCO targets a Day-One-Strategy. A new employee has all necessary accounts and permission on the day he/she starts in a company. Get rid of the delays of waiting many days for a system administrator to start assigning it.

On a regular basis industry reports proof that missing control of identities lead to data loss or other damages to an organization. These issues pop usually up due to missing segregation of duties and revocation of access rights.

Prevent now! Start build an IAM environment!

Reporting and Recertification

History of accounts and the huge amount of data

At a first glance this topic might sound to get dropped but reporting and recertification of entitlements helps a lot.

  • Who which system access and when?
  • Who approved the assignment of those permissions?
  • Can we identify any toxic combinations of entitlements? For Example: Who can submit invoices, approve them and pay them?

DataWarehousing of Identity and Access data helps to answer those crucial questions. You can also use this information to re-attest or re-certify entitlements. Start an attestation campaign for crucial system entitlements periodically. Re-attest entitlements once per year or on organizational changes.

  • Requires this single user still those permissions?
  • Are all those groups still well maintained or do they need to get cleaned-up?

Please get in touch to talk about our best practice approaches.

Trusted Cloud Access

Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Hybrid Environments?

Our client’s feedback proofs our opinion that not IT is driving the way to the cloud but the business demanding it. Apps like Salesforce, Concur, Workday or Conerstone are used before IT recognized it. Afterwards it takes high efforts to connect those applications to your on-premise network and to secure sensitive company information.

Provide Single-Sign-On capabilities by federation services or secure highly sensitive or classified data by Multi-Factor authentication.

Report failed accesses from cloud users

  • How can a particular identity login to a certain application from USA and Europe within 30 minutes?
  • Has this account been compromised?

We focus and support strongly Microsoft’s cloud-first strategy and follow this philosophy. As mentioned above it’s not the Microsoft stack that it in focus, it’s all about cloud and broad heterogeneous apps.